I have configured ACL in my Spring Boot application. The ACL configuration is as follows:
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.company")
@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true, securedEnabled = true)
public class ACLConfigration extends GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration {
DataSource dataSource;
public EhCacheBasedAclCache aclCache() {
return new EhCacheBasedAclCache(aclEhCacheFactoryBean().getObject(), permissionGrantingStrategy(), aclAuthorizationStrategy());
public EhCacheFactoryBean aclEhCacheFactoryBean() {
EhCacheFactoryBean ehCacheFactoryBean = new EhCacheFactoryBean();
return ehCacheFactoryBean;
public EhCacheManagerFactoryBean aclCacheManager() {
return new EhCacheManagerFactoryBean();
public DefaultPermissionGrantingStrategy permissionGrantingStrategy() {
ConsoleAuditLogger consoleAuditLogger = new ConsoleAuditLogger();
return new DefaultPermissionGrantingStrategy(consoleAuditLogger);
public AclAuthorizationStrategy aclAuthorizationStrategy() {
return new AclAuthorizationStrategyImpl(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_ACL_ADMIN"));
public LookupStrategy lookupStrategy() {
return new BasicLookupStrategy(dataSource, aclCache(), aclAuthorizationStrategy(), new ConsoleAuditLogger());
public JdbcMutableAclService aclService() {
return new JdbcMutableAclService(dataSource, lookupStrategy(), aclCache());
public DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler defaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler() {
return new DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler();
public MethodSecurityExpressionHandler createExpressionHandler() {
DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler expressionHandler = defaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler();
expressionHandler.setPermissionEvaluator(new AclPermissionEvaluator(aclService()));
expressionHandler.setPermissionCacheOptimizer(new AclPermissionCacheOptimizer(aclService()));
return expressionHandler;
and the security configuration is as follows:
public class CustomSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public AuthenticationEntryPoint entryPoint() {
return new LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint("/authenticate");
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.and().requestCache().requestCache(new NullRequestCache())
.and().addFilterBefore(authenticationFilter(), CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
web.ignoring().antMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "/**");
public CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter authenticationFilter()
throws Exception {
CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter authenticationFilter = new CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter();
authenticationFilter.setAuthenticationSuccessHandler(new CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandler());
authenticationFilter.setAuthenticationFailureHandler(new CustomAuthenticationFailureHandler());
return authenticationFilter;
public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
My CustomAuthenticationProvider
public class CustomAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
private UsersService usersService;
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication)
throws AuthenticationException {
String username = authentication.getName();
String password = authentication.getCredentials().toString();
User user = usersService.findOne(username);
if(user != null && usersService.comparePassword(user, password)){
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
} else {
return null;
public boolean supports(Class<?> authentication) {
return authentication.equals(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.class);
Here's my CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
public class CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter extends UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter {
public Authentication attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws AuthenticationException {
throw new AuthenticationServiceException(String.format("Authentication method not supported: %s", request.getMethod()));
try {
CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationForm form = new ObjectMapper().readValue(request.getReader(), CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationForm.class);
String username = form.getUsername();
String password = form.getPassword();
if(username == null)
username = "";
if(password == null)
password = "";
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password);
setDetails(request, token);
return getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(token);
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw new CustomAuthenticationException(exception);
private class CustomAuthenticationException extends RuntimeException {
private CustomAuthenticationException(Throwable throwable) {
Apart from the above, I have CustomAuthenticationFailureHandler
, CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandler
, CustomNoRedirectStrategy
and CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationForm
which I skipped for the sake of this question's length.
And I am using MySQL schema that can be found here.
I am adding entries to my acl related tables as follows:
INSERT INTO acl_class VALUES (1, com.company.project.domain.users.User)
INSERT INTO acl_sid VALUES (1, 1, "demo")
(I have a user with username demo
INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 0)
INSERT INTO acl_entry VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
But all I am getting is:
Denying user demo permission 'READ' on object com.company.project.domain.users.User@4a49e9b4
in my
@PostFilter("hasPermission(filterObject, 'READ')")
I am suspecting of several issues here:
expression: I have substituted it with 'READ' and '1', but to no extent.expressionHandler.setPermissionEvaluator(new AclPermissionEvaluator(aclService()));
Sample method where @PostFilter
is used:
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
@PostFilter("hasPermission(filterObject, 'READ')")
List<User> find(@Min(0) @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = false, defaultValue = "10") Integer limit,
@Min(0) @RequestParam(value = "page", required = false, defaultValue = "0") Integer page,
@RequestParam(value = "email", required = false) String email,
@RequestParam(value = "firstName", required = false) String firstName,
@RequestParam(value = "lastName", required = false) String lastName,
@RequestParam(value = "userRole", required = false) String userRole) {
return usersService.find(
Update #2:
The question now reflects everything set up in regards to authentication/authorization/ACL.
Update #3:
I am now very close to resolve the issue, the only thing left is to resolve this:
If anyone could help me with that question, I can finally have a write up of what I have went through to resolve this.
I upgraded my application to use Spring Security 4.2.1.RELEASE then afterwards I started to experience an unexpected access denied in all @PreAuthorize
annotated methods, which was working just fine before the upgrade.
I debugged the spring security code and I realized that the problem was that all roles to be checked were being prefixed with a default string "ROLE_" regardless of the fact that I had set my default prefix to empty, as shown in the code below.
//this call used to be plenty to override the default prefix
All my controller methods were annotated with @PreAuthorize("hasRole('my_ldap_group_name')")
, however, the framework was not taking my empty role prefix setting into account and thus it was using ROLE_my_ldap_group_name to check the actual role instead.
After I dug deep into the framework's code, I realized that the class org.springframework.security.web.access.expression.DefaultWebSecurityExpressionHandler
still had the default role prefix set to "ROLE_"
. I followed up the source of its value and I found out that it was first checking for a declared bean of the class org.springframework.security.config.core.GrantedAuthorityDefaults
to look for a default prefix during first initialization of the bean org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configurers.ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer
, however, as this initializer bean could not find it declared, it ended up using the aforementioned default prefix.
I believe this is not an expected behavior: Spring Security should have considered the same rolePrefix from ldapAuthentication, however, to solve this issue, it was necessary to add the bean org.springframework.security.config.core.GrantedAuthorityDefaults
to my application context (I'm using annotation based configuration), as following:
@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class CesSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private static final String ROLE_PREFIX = "";
//... ommited code ...
public GrantedAuthorityDefaults grantedAuthorityDefaults() {
return new GrantedAuthorityDefaults(ROLE_PREFIX);
Maybe you're getting the same problem - I could see that you're using DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler and it also uses the bean GrantedAuthorityDefaults, so if you're using the same Spring Security version as me - 4.2.1.RELEASE you are probably running into the same issue.