Swagger API Operations Ordering

Javatar picture Javatar · Jan 23, 2017 · Viewed 9.1k times · Source

How do I sort my operation by method alphabetically e.g. DELETE, GET, POST, PUT.

I have read from this post but it is in HTML but in my case, I have integrated Swagger into Spring Boot so I need to sort it when creating a Docket.

Sort API methods in Swagger UI

Then I noticed this method operationOrdering() in Docket, but I still cannot make it work.


Vladas Maier picture Vladas Maier · Oct 11, 2018

I am using Springfox version 2.8.0 and following code snippet works for my documented API:

UiConfiguration uiConfig() {
    return UiConfigurationBuilder



There are 2 possible values:

  • OperationsSorter.ALPHA - sorts API endpoints alphabetically by path
  • OperationsSorter.METHOD - sorts API endpoints alphabetically by method

OperationsSorter.METHOD is what you are looking for.

Alternative by using operationOrdering():

public Docket api() {
    return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)


        .operationOrdering(new Ordering<Operation>() {
            public int compare(Operation left, Operation right) {
                return left.getMethod().name().compareTo(right.getMethod().name());

However, this does not work because of a bug in Springfox which seems to be still active (Operation ordering is not working).