How to use the webservice-client classes generated with Eclipse?

Abu Muhammad picture Abu Muhammad · Nov 10, 2010 · Viewed 13.5k times · Source

I used eclipse Helios to create a Web Service Client for consuming an axis 1.4 web service.
It generated 2 packages:
1 - datamodel.
2 - client.

Inside client package there are 5 classes:
1- ServiceName
2- ServiceNameProxy
3- ServiceNameService
4- ServiceNameServiceLocator
5- ServiceNameSoapBindingStub

I need to Know what are these ? AND
How to call the web service methods with parameters?

Thanks in advance


bmeding picture bmeding · Nov 10, 2010

I am very new to Web Services and I can't give a good explanation of what those classes are, but, I believe you can use the Proxy class to call the Web Service methods.

public class TestClient{
    public static void main(String []args){
        ServiceNameProxy proxy = new ServiceNameProxy();
        proxy.setEndpoint("http://localhost:8080/ServiceName/asdf");//defined in wsdl

        int i = proxy.webServiceMethod(new String(), new String());

webServiceMethod() would be whatever the name of the method is defined in the service.