I am using Jsoup to extract URL of an webpage. The href
attribute of those URL's are relative like:
<a href="/text">example</a>
Here is my attempt:
Document document = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
Elements results = document.select("div.results");
Elements dls = results.select("dl");
for (Element dl : dls) {
String url = dl.select("a").attr("href");
This works fine, but if I use
String url = dl.select("a").attr("abs:href");
to get the absolute URL like http://example.com/text
, it is not working. How can I get the absolute URL?
You need Element#absUrl()
String url = dl.select("a").absUrl("href");
You can by the way shorten the select:
Document document = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
Elements links = document.select("div.results dl a");
for (Element link : links) {
String url = link.absUrl("href");