How to set gradle path after installing using sdkman

Mahek picture Mahek · Oct 23, 2016 · Viewed 13.8k times · Source

In Ubuntu 14.04 i have installed gradle using sdkman. When I execute "which gradle" in terminal from my primary account it shows path of gradle. Now I have another account hadoop having hduser, so after switching to hduser it is showing gradle is not installed. What should I do? How can I set path of gradle for hduser?


marvi picture marvi · Oct 24, 2016

sdkman installs software only for your current user (placed under $HOME/.sdkman). When you login as another user you will not have access to them. sdkman has init scripts called from your .bashrc/.zshrc that will append to your PATH. On my account gradle is /Users/marvi/.sdkman/candidates/gradle/current/bin/gradle.

For a multi user install I would do a manual install. First option here: