How to handle kafka publishing failure in robust way

Nishant picture Nishant · Oct 21, 2016 · Viewed 10.8k times · Source

I'm using Kafka and we have a use case to build a fault tolerant system where not even a single message should be missed. So here's the problem: If publishing to Kafka fails due to any reason (ZooKeeper down, Kafka broker down etc) how can we robustly handle those messages and replay them once things are back up again. Again as I say we cannot afford even a single message failure. Another use case is we also need to know at any given point in time how many messages were failed to publish to Kafka due to any reason i.e. something like counter functionality and now those messages needs to be re-published again.

One of the solution is to push those messages to some database (like Cassandra where writes are very fast but we also need counter functionality and I guess Cassandra counter functionality is not that great and we don't want to use that.) which can handle that kind of load and also provide us with the counter facility which is very accurate.

This question is more from architecture perspective and then which technology to use to make that happen.

PS: We handle some where like 3000TPS. So when system start failing those failed messages can grow very fast in very short time. We're using java based frameworks.

Thanks for your help!


Chris Matta picture Chris Matta · Oct 21, 2016

The reason Kafka was built in a distributed, fault-tolerant way is to handle problems exactly like yours, multiple failures of core components should avoid service interruptions. To avoid a down Zookeeper, deploy at least 3 instances of Zookeepers (if this is in AWS, deploy them across availability zones). To avoid broker failures, deploy multiple brokers, and ensure you're specifying multiple brokers in your producer bootstrap.servers property. To ensure that the Kafka cluster has written your message in a durable manor, ensure that the acks=all property is set in the producer. This will acknowledge a client write when all in-sync replicas acknowledge reception of the message (at the expense of throughput). You can also set queuing limits to ensure that if writes to the broker start backing up you can catch an exception and handle it and possibly retry.

Using Cassandra (another well thought out distributed, fault tolerant system) to "stage" your writes doesn't seem like it adds any reliability to your architecture, but does increase the complexity, plus Cassandra wasn't written to be a message queue for a message queue, I would avoid this.

Properly configured, Kafka should be available to handle all your message writes and provide suitable guarantees.