I was trying using Swagger test templates and found this an interesting tool to generate the test files for my controllers, but It seems to just work for NodeJs projects, because there is not a similar tool for the Java platform.
Do somebody knows about how to generate these Test files from my controllers by using a swagger file for spring boot projects?
I have tried with commercial tools like RepreZen and SwaggerHub but they don't generate the test files for me.
I have also tried by using swagger-generator jar tool to generate those kind of files, but this tool just generate code for Client but no for the Server.
Thx you a lot!.
For testing API of Spring-family projects you can use Springfox + AssertJ Swagger libraries. Also you need a YAML file with your API specification. The main idea of this solution is to compare a contract-first Swagger YAML file with a code-first Swagger JSON generated by SpringFox.
Springfox integrates with Spring MVC with support for Swagger 1.2 and Swagger 2.0 spec. Springfox is able to automatically generate JSON API documentation at runtime for API's built with Spring.
Assertj-Swagger is a library which compares a design-first Swagger YAML with an implementation-first Swagger JSON output (e.g. from springfox). assertj-swagger allows to validate that the implementation in compliance with the design specification.
<!-- http://springfox.io -->
Test code:
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class AssertJSwaggerConsumerDrivenTest {
int randomPort;
public void validateThatImplementationSatisfiesConsumerSpecification() {
File designFirstSwagger = new File(AssertJSwaggerConsumerDrivenTest.class.getResource("/swagger.yaml").getFile());
SwaggerAssertions.assertThat("http://localhost:" + randomPort + "/v2/api-docs")
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: io/github/robwin/swagger/test/SwaggerAssertions : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: io.swagger.models.parameters.AbstractSerializableParameter.setMaximum(Ljava/lang/Double;)V