I've read this post here. But still I cannot run code containing Java 8 Stream API features like the following on minSdkVersion < 24.
List<Car> newCars = cars.stream()
.filter(s -> s.getColor().equals("red"))
This doesn't run due to the error message
Call requires API level 24 (current min is 15): java.util.Collection#stream
So does someone know a solution?
[original answer]
You can not use Java8 streams on API level < 24.
However, there are some libraries that backport some of the stream functionality
https://sourceforge.net/projects/streamsupport/ (mentioned by @sartorius in comment)
[update k3b 2019-05-23]
https://github.com/retrostreams/android-retrostreams is a spinoff from streamsupport which takes advantage of Android Studio 3.x D8 / desugar toolchain's capability to use interface default & static methods across Jar file boundaries. There are also links to other android-retroXXX ie for CompletableFuture.
[update aeracode 2020-07-24]
Good news, now we can use Java 8 Stream API and more without requiring a minimum API level.