FlexJSON doesn't serialize class objects fully

daydreamer picture daydreamer · Oct 8, 2010 · Viewed 9.3k times · Source

I am new to FlexJson and was following http://flexjson.sourceforge.net/ for simple tutorial.
I wrote a simple program but it seems not to be serializing the object attributes. Please help me if someone knows about this

package com.webapp.enter;

import flexjson.JSONSerializer;

class PObject {

       String name;
       int age;
       String country;

        public PObject (String n, int a , String c){
            this.name = n;
            this.country = c;
            this.age = a;

        public String toString(){
            return this.name + this.age + this.country;

        public String[] getData(){
            return new String[]{ this.name, this.country};

public class Person{

    public static void main(String main[]){
        PObject person = new PObject("harit",23,"india");
        System.out.println(person.name +  " - " + person.age + " - " + person.country);

        JSONSerializer serializer = new JSONSerializer();
        String out = serializer.serialize(person);
        System.out.println("S : " + out);



harit - 23 - india
S : {"class":"com.webapp.enter.PObject"}
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

(Update from deleted answer):

I tried to modify the code using getter/setter methods, now it fails saying the following. I apologize if I am doing it wrong, I am new to this

package com.webapp.enter;

import flexjson.JSONSerializer;

class PObject {

       String name;
       int age;
       String country;

        public PObject (){


        public void setName(String name){
            this.name = name;

        public void setAge(int age){
            this.age = age;

        public void setCountry(String country){
            this.country = country;

        public String getName(){
            return this.name;

        public int getAge(){
            return this.age;

        public String getCountry(){
            return this.country;


public class Person{

    public static void main(String main[]){
        PObject person = new PObject();
        System.out.println(person.name +  " - " + person.age + " - " + person.country);

        JSONSerializer serializer = new JSONSerializer();
        String out = serializer.serialize(person);
        System.out.println("S : " + out);



test - 23 - usa
Exception in thread "main" flexjson.JSONException: Error trying to deepSerialize
        at flexjson.transformer.ObjectTransformer.transform(ObjectTransformer.java:97)
        at flexjson.transformer.TransformerWrapper.transform(TransformerWrapper.java:22)
        at flexjson.JSONContext.transform(JSONContext.java:75)
        at flexjson.JSONSerializer.serialize(JSONSerializer.java:378)
        at flexjson.JSONSerializer.deepSerialize(JSONSerializer.java:301)
        at com.webapp.enter.Person.main(Person.java:60)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class flexjson.transformer.ObjectTransformer can not access a member of class com.webapp.enter.PObject with modifiers "public"
        at sun.reflect.Reflection.ensureMemberAccess(Reflection.java:95)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:607)
        at flexjson.transformer.ObjectTransformer.transform(ObjectTransformer.java:45)
        ... 5 more
Java Result: 1
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)


chubbsondubs picture chubbsondubs · Oct 8, 2010

Flexjson works off Java Beans and PObject does not follow the Java Bean specification. You either need to add getters for your properties: name, age, and country, or you need mark those fields public. Either one will work. Add setters if you plan on using JSONDeserializer to deserialize your object.