I am currently using SequenceDiagram Plugin from https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8286?pr= to generate Sequence Diagrams. But here the drawback is that I am not able to save them in a format like .uml or any other format so anyone can open this file and edit it. It only allows to export the sequnce diagram as an image.
Is there any way to save the sequence diagrams generated so they can be edited later?
As the file https://github.com/Vanco/SequencePlugin/blob/master/src/org/intellij/sequencer/diagram/app/actions/ExportAction.java shows the plugin is able to export into images only. According to the licence you can modify the software if you keep in mind this part of the licence.
I think it is a good feature you suggested, it is not an easy job tho. If you plan to extend the feature try to contact with https://github.com/Vanco. I think it would be a handy thing for all of us!
Edit: I posted it as a comment, but it is part of the answer:
Here is a github repo: https://github.com/sherif181/java-sequence-diagram-generator it is not a plugin but looks handy for your case. It will generate LaTex documents that could be edited.