Unit testing: Call @PostConstruct after defining mocked behaviour

dwjohnston picture dwjohnston · Jul 4, 2016 · Viewed 18.9k times · Source

I have two classes:

public MyService {
    private MyDao myDao;     
    private List<Items> list; 

    private void init(){
         list = myDao.getItems(); 

Now I'm wanting to involve MyService in a unit test, and so I'll mock the behaviour MyDao.


<bean class = "com.package.MyService"> 
<bean  class="org.mockito.Mockito" factory-method="mock"> 
     <constructor-arg value="com.package.MyDao"/>

<util:list id="responseItems" value-type="com.package.Item">
    <ref bean="item1"/>
    <ref bean="item2"/>

Unit Test:

public class MyServiceTest {

    MyService myService

    MyDao myDao;

    private List<Item> responseItems; 

    public void setupTests() {

The problem with this is that the MyService bean is created, and its @PostConstruct bean called before the mocked behaviour is defined.

How can I either define the mocked behaviour in the XML or delay @PostConstruct until after the unit test setup?


SS02 picture SS02 · Jun 8, 2017

I have same kind of requirement in my project. where i need to set a string using @PostConstructor and I did not want to ran spring context or in other words I want simple mock. My requirement was follow:

public class MyService {

private SomeBean bean;

private String status;

private void init() {
    status = someBean.getStatus();



public class MyServiceTest(){

private MyService target;

private SomeBean mockBean;

public void setUp() throws NoSuchMethodException,  InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {



    //call post-constructor
    Method postConstruct =  MyService.class.getDeclaredMethod("init",null); // methodName,parameters
