Reading data from Azure Blob with Spark

duck picture duck · Jun 11, 2016 · Viewed 11k times · Source

I am having issue in reading data from azure blobs via spark streaming

JavaDStream<String> lines = ssc.textFileStream("hdfs://ip:8020/directory");

code like above works for HDFS, but is unable to read file from Azure blob

Above is the path which is shown in azure UI, but this doesnt work, am i missing something, and how can we access it.

I know Eventhub are ideal choice for streaming data, but my current situation demands to use storage rather then queues


Yuval Itzchakov picture Yuval Itzchakov · Jun 11, 2016

In order to read data from blob storage, there are two things that need to be done. First, you need to tell Spark which native file system to use in the underlying Hadoop configuration. This means that you also need the Hadoop-Azure JAR to be available on your classpath (note there maybe runtime requirements for more JARs related to the Hadoop family):

JavaSparkContext ct = new JavaSparkContext();
Configuration config = ct.hadoopConfiguration();
config.set("", "");
config.set("", "yourkey");

Now, call onto the file using the wasb:// prefix (note the [s] is for optional secure connection):


This goes without saying that you'll need to have proper permissions set from the location making the query to blob storage.