How to specify which java version to use in spark-submit command?

Priyanka picture Priyanka · Apr 26, 2016 · Viewed 21.6k times · Source

I want to run a spark streaming application on a yarn cluster on a remote server. The default java version is 1.7 but i want to use 1.8 for my application which is also there in the server but is not the default. Is there a way to specify through spark-submit the location of java 1.8 so that i do not get major.minor error ?


mathieu picture mathieu · Feb 3, 2017

JAVA_HOME was not enough in our case, the driver was running in java 8, but I discovered later that Spark workers in YARN were launched using java 7 (hadoop nodes have both java version installed).

I had to add spark.executorEnv.JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/<version available in workers> in spark-defaults.conf. Note that you can provide it in command line with --conf.
