Configure security schemas and contexts in Springfox and Spring MVC

pgiecek picture pgiecek · Apr 25, 2016 · Viewed 9.1k times · Source

I have simple REST services implemented with Spring MVC. I decided to describe them with Springfox and Swagger 2.0. Everything seemed to be OK until I started adding security schemas and contexts. I use HTTP Basic authentication for certain endpoints and token-based authentication for others. Whatever I do, I cannot see any option to set HTTP Basic authentication credentials or to specify a token in Swagger UI. Below is my configuration. For simplicity's sake I apply both schemas to all endpoints here.

public class SwaggerConfig {

    public Docket apiV1() {
      return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
      .securitySchemes(newArrayList(new BasicAuth("xBasic"), 
                                    new ApiKey("X-Auth-Token", "xAuthToken", "header")))
      .securityContexts(newArrayList(xBasicSecurityContext(), xAuthTokenSecurityContext()))

    private SecurityContext xBasicSecurityContext() {
        .securityReferences(newArrayList(new SecurityReference("xBasic", 
                                                               new AuthorizationScope[0])))

    private SecurityContext xAuthTokenSecurityContext() {
        .securityReferences(newArrayList(new SecurityReference("xAuthToken", 
                                                               new AuthorizationScope[0])))


Foyta picture Foyta · Sep 20, 2018

I have tried this approach: to split Docket config. It forced me also to split API into two groups (and packages), but in the end it was a good architectural decision.

public class SwaggerConfig {

    public Docket authTokenSecuredApi() {
      return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
        .groupName("authTokenGroup") // 2 Dockets -> need to differ using groupName
        .securitySchemes(Collections.singletonList(new ApiKey("X-Auth-Token", 

    public Docket basicAuthSecuredApi() {
      return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
        .groupName("basicAuthGroup") // 2 Dockets -> need to differ using groupName
        .securitySchemes(Collections.singletonList(new BasicAuth("xBasic")))

    private SecurityContext xBasicSecurityContext() {
      return SecurityContext.builder()
                              new SecurityReference("xBasic", 
                                                    new AuthorizationScope[0])))

    private SecurityContext xAuthTokenSecurityContext() {
      return SecurityContext.builder()
                              new SecurityReference("xAuthToken", 
                                                    new AuthorizationScope[0])))

To tell the truth, I would prefer to configure authorization directly in controllers, using authorizations attribute of @ApiOperation or @Api Swagger annotations. But accorging to this springfox "feature", it does not work on @Api annotation, which causes to copy it to every @ApiOperation that leads to untidy nasty ugly sinful code :-)