Generic return type upper bound - interface vs. class - surprisingly valid code

Adam Michalik picture Adam Michalik · Apr 4, 2016 · Viewed 28.6k times · Source

This is a real-world example from a 3rd party library API, but simplified.

Compiled with Oracle JDK 8u72

Consider these two methods:

<X extends CharSequence> X getCharSequence() {
    return (X) "hello";

<X extends String> X getString() {
    return (X) "hello";

Both report an "unchecked cast" warning - I get why. The thing that baffles me is why can I call

Integer x = getCharSequence();

and it compiles? The compiler should know that Integer does not implement CharSequence. The call to

Integer y = getString();

gives an error (as expected)

incompatible types: inference variable X has incompatible upper bounds java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String

Can someone explain why would this behaviour be considered valid? How would it be useful?

The client does not know that this call is unsafe - the client's code compiles without warning. Why wouldn't the compile warn about that / issue an error?

Also, how is it different from this example:

<X extends CharSequence> void doCharSequence(List<X> l) {

List<CharSequence> chsL = new ArrayList<>();
doCharSequence(chsL); // compiles

List<Integer> intL = new ArrayList<>();
doCharSequence(intL); // error

Trying to pass List<Integer> gives an error, as expected:

method doCharSequence in class generic.GenericTest cannot be applied to given types;
  required: java.util.List<X>
  found: java.util.List<java.lang.Integer>
  reason: inference variable X has incompatible bounds
    equality constraints: java.lang.Integer
    upper bounds: java.lang.CharSequence

If that is reported as an error, why Integer x = getCharSequence(); isn't?


Paul Boddington picture Paul Boddington · Apr 4, 2016

CharSequence is an interface. Therefore even if SomeClass does not implement CharSequence it would be perfectly possible to create a class

class SubClass extends SomeClass implements CharSequence

Therefore you can write

SomeClass c = getCharSequence();

because the inferred type X is the intersection type SomeClass & CharSequence.

This is a bit odd in the case of Integer because Integer is final, but final doesn't play any role in these rules. For example you can write

<T extends Integer & CharSequence>

On the other hand, String is not an interface, so it would be impossible to extend SomeClass to get a subtype of String, because java does not support multiple-inheritance for classes.

With the List example, you need to remember that generics are neither covariant nor contravariant. This means that if X is a subtype of Y, List<X> is neither a subtype nor a supertype of List<Y>. Since Integer does not implement CharSequence, you cannot use List<Integer> in your doCharSequence method.

You can, however get this to compile

<T extends Integer & CharSequence> void foo(List<T> list) {

If you have a method that returns a List<T> like this:

static <T extends CharSequence> List<T> foo() 

you can do

List<? extends Integer> list = foo();

Again, this is because the inferred type is Integer & CharSequence and this is a subtype of Integer.

Intersection types occur implicitly when you specify multiple bounds (e.g. <T extends SomeClass & CharSequence>).

For further information, here is the part of the JLS where it explains how type bounds work. You can include multiple interfaces, e.g.

<T extends String & CharSequence & List & Comparator>

but only the first bound may be a non-interface.