What double-entry accounting libraries are available for Java?
I did write a library for myself, but since it was for a really trivial application, I don't know if it would suit a general purpose accounting need.
It has an interface like:
ledger.newPosting(new Date(), "Received $10 from Anne")
.debit("Cash:Anne", 1000)
.credit("Dues Received", 1000)
int cashBalance = ledger.getAccount("Cash").getTrialBalance();
assertEquals(-1000, cashBalance);
int anneBalance = ledger.getAccount("Cash:Anne").getTrialBalance();
assertEquals(-1000, anneBalance);
int duesBalance = ledger.getAccount("Dues Received").getTrialBalance();
assertEquals(1000, duesBalance);
Is this the kind of thing you're looking for? Anyone else actually INTERESTED in this code? I wrote it generically, but never published it because I didn't think anyone would want something this trivial.