Where do I put weblogic-application.xml in my Maven 2 project?

Derek Mahar picture Derek Mahar · Aug 31, 2010 · Viewed 16.2k times · Source

Where do I put weblogic-application.xml in my Maven 2 project so that Maven places it in META_INF in the target EAR artifact?


Pascal Thivent picture Pascal Thivent · Aug 31, 2010

The weblogic-application.xml should be packaged in the META-INF directory of your final EAR (next to the standard application.xml).

With the Maven EAR Plugin, the default location for extra files to include in the EAR (that you can control with the earSourceDirectory parameter) is src/main/application. So the following would work (using the defaults):

|-- src
|   `-- main
|       `-- application
|           `-- META-INF
|               `-- weblogic-application.xml
`-- pom.xml