In Sonar 4.5.6 (with default settings) I am seeing Duplicated Blocks
message as
My java code for which I am getting the message is like below:-
package com.jabong.orchestratorservice.adapter.order.endpoints;
import com.jabong.orchestratorservice.adapter.order.request.UpdateOrderStatusReadyShipRequest;
public class UpdateOrderReadyShipEndPoint extends BaseOrderEndPoint {
private final static String API_NAME = "setStatusToReadyToShip";
public String getSourceEndPoint() {
return new StringBuilder("direct:").append(API_NAME).toString();
public String getDestinationEndPoint() {
return new StringBuilder("bean:orderHelper?method=").append(API_NAME).toString();
protected String getName() {
return API_NAME;
protected String getApiInputClassName() {
return UpdateOrderStatusReadyShipRequest.class.getName();
also does not import UpdateOrderReadyShipEndPoint
package com.jabong.orchestratorservice.adapter.order.request;
public class UpdateOrderStatusReadyShipRequest extends BaseOrderRequest {
Can some let me know what does this mean?
The Duplicate Blocks rule raises issues at the file level. So it's not trying to tell you that your import statement is duplicated, but that somewhere in the file is a duplicate block. If you'll scroll down, you should see a vertical yellow/orange bar in the left margin. It marks the duplicate block. Click on the bar to get details of where the block is duplicated.
EDIT In more recent versions the duplication marker is brown or gray.