Use @Validated and @Valid with spring validator

sbzoom picture sbzoom · Mar 18, 2016 · Viewed 25.5k times · Source

I have a java bean being used to send JSON messages to a spring @RestController and I have bean validation setup and running just fine using @Valid. But I want to move to Protobuf/Thrift and move away from REST. It is an internal API and a lot of big companies have done away with REST internally. What this really means is that I no longer have control of the message objects - they are generated externally. I can't put annotations on them anymore.

So now my validation has to be programmatic. How do I do this? I have coded up a Validator and it works just great. But it doesn't use the nice @Valid annotation. I have to do the following:

public StuffEndpoint implements StuffThriftDef.Iface {

    private MyValidator myValidator;

    public void things(MyMessage msg) throws BindException {
        BindingResult errors = new BeanPropertyBindingResult(msg, msg.getClass().getName());
        errors = myValidator.validate(msg);
        if (errors.hasErrors()) {
            throw new BindException(errors);
        } else {

This stinks. I have to do this in every single method. Now, I can put a lot of that into one method that throws BindException and that makes it one line of code to add to every method. But that's still not great.

What I want is to see it look like this:

public StuffEndpoint implements StuffThriftDef.Iface {

    public void things(@Valid MyMessage msg) {

And still get the same result. Remember, my bean has no annotations. And yes, I know I can use the @InitBinder annotation on a method. But that only works for web requests.

I don't mind injecting the correct Validator into this class, but I would prefer if my ValidatorFactory could pull the correct one based on the supports() method.

Is this possible? Is there a way to configure bean validation to actually use Spring validation instead? Do I have to hijack a Aspect somewhere? Hack into the LocalValidatorFactory or the MethodValidationPostProcessor?



Ken Bekov picture Ken Bekov · Mar 19, 2016

Its pretty complicated thing to combine Spring validation and JSR-303 constrains. And there is no 'ready to use' way. The main inconvenience is that Spring validation uses BindingResult, and JSR-303 uses ConstraintValidatorContext as result of validation.

You can try to make your own validation engine, using Spring AOP. Let's consider, what we need to do for it. First of all, declare AOP dependencies (if you didn't yet):


I'm using Spring of version 4.2.4.RELEASE, but of cause you can use your own. AspectJ needed for use aspect annotation. Next step, we have to create simple validator registry:

public class CustomValidatorRegistry {

    private List<Validator> validatorList = new ArrayList<>();

    public void addValidator(Validator validator){

    public List<Validator> getValidatorsForObject(Object o) {
        List<Validator> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for(Validator validator : validatorList){
        return result;

As you see it is very simple class, which allow us to find validator for object. Now lets create annotation, that will be mark methods, that need to be validated:

package com.mydomain.validation;

public @interface CustomValidation {

Because of standard BindingException class is not RuntimeException, we can't use it in overriden methods. This means we need define our own exception:

public class CustomValidatorException extends RuntimeException {

    private BindingResult bindingResult;

    public CustomValidatorException(BindingResult bindingResult){
        this.bindingResult = bindingResult;

    public BindingResult getBindingResult() {
        return bindingResult;

Now we are ready to create an aspect that will do most of the work. Aspect will execute before methods, which marked with CustomValidation annotation:

public class CustomValidatingAspect {

    private CustomValidatorRegistry registry; //aspect will use our validator registry

    @Before(value = "execution(public * *(..)) && annotation(com.mydomain.validation.CustomValidation)")
    public void doBefore(JoinPoint point){
        Annotation[][] paramAnnotations  =
        for(int i=0; i<paramAnnotations.length; i++){
            for(Annotation annotation : paramAnnotations[i]){
                //checking for standard org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated
                if(annotation.annotationType() == Validated.class){
                    Object arg = point.getArgs()[i];
                    if(arg==null) continue;

    private void validate(Object arg) {
        List<Validator> validatorList = registry.getValidatorsForObject(arg);
        for(Validator validator : validatorList){
            BindingResult errors = new BeanPropertyBindingResult(arg, arg.getClass().getSimpleName());
            validator.validate(arg, errors);
                throw new CustomValidatorException(errors);

execution(public * *(..)) && @annotation(com.springapp.mvc.validators.CustomValidation) means, that this aspect will applied to any public methods of beans, which marked with @CustomValidation annotation. Also note, that to mark validated parameters we are using standard org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated annotation. But of cause we could make our custom. I think other code of aspect is very simple and does not need any comments. Further code of example validator:

public class PersonValidator implements Validator {
    public boolean supports(Class<?> aClass) {
        return aClass==Person.class;

    public void validate(Object o, Errors errors) {
        Person person = (Person)o;
            errors.rejectValue("age", "Age is too small");

Now we have make tune the configuration and all ready to use:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.mydomain")
@EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass = true)
public class AppConfig{


    public CustomValidatorRegistry validatorRegistry(){
        CustomValidatorRegistry registry = new CustomValidatorRegistry();
        registry.addValidator(new PersonValidator());
        return registry;

Note, proxyTargetClass is true because we will use cglib class proxy.

Example of target method in service class:

public class PersonService{

    public void savePerson(@Validated Person person){        


Because of @CustomValidation annotation aspect will be applied, and because of @Validated annotation person will be validated. And example of usage of service in controller(or any other class):

public class PersonConroller{

    private PersonService service;

    public String savePerson(@ModelAttribute Person person, ModelMap model){
        }catch(CustomValidatorException e){
            model.addAttribute("errors", e.getBindingResult());
            return "viewname";
        return "viewname";


Keep in mind, that if you will invoke @CustomValidation from methods of PersonService class, validation will not work. Because it will invoke methods of original class, but not proxy. This means, that you can invoke this methods only from outside of class (from other classes), if you want validation to be working (eg @Transactional works same way).

Sorry for long post. My answer is not about 'simple declarative way', and possible you will do not need it. But I was curious resolve this problem.