Why do Java webapps use .do extension? Where did it come from?

Adam Gent picture Adam Gent · Aug 30, 2010 · Viewed 89.4k times · Source

I have always wondered why so many Java developers use ".do" as the extension for their web controller (MVC) resources. Example: http://example.com/register.do

It doesn't even seem to be framework specific as I have seen it in Spring MVC and Struts projects. Where did this ".do" extension practice come from. Why was this done instead of no extension? I feel like I missed the Java world memo on this.

Personally I prefer no extension.


Pascal Thivent picture Pascal Thivent · Aug 30, 2010

To my knowledge, this convention has been spread by Struts1. The user guide puts it like this:

5.4.2 Configure the ActionServlet Mapping

Note: The material in this section is not specific to Struts. The configuration of servlet mappings is defined in the Java Servlet Specification. This section describes the most common means of configuring a application.

There are two common approaches to defining the URLs that will be processed by the controller servlet -- prefix matching and extension matching. An appropriate mapping entry for each approach will be described below.

Prefix matching means that you want all URLs that start (after the context path part) with a particular value to be passed to this servlet. Such an entry might look like this:


which means that a request URI to match the /logon path described earlier might look like this:


where /myapplication is the context path under which your application is deployed.

Extension mapping, on the other hand, matches request URIs to the action servlet based on the fact that the URI ends with a period followed by a defined set of characters. For example, the JSP processing servlet is mapped to the *.jsp pattern so that it is called to process every JSP page that is requested. To use the *.do extension (which implies "do something"), the mapping entry would look like this:


and a request URI to match the /logon path described earlier might look like this:


WARNING - The framework will not operate correctly if you define more than one <servlet-mapping> element for the controller servlet.

WARNING - If you are using the new module support since version 1.1, you should be aware that only extension mapping is supported.

And I think this convention has been kept (sometimes to not change URLs even after replacing Struts1, sometimes just because people were happy with it).