I'm running a Stripes web app on Jboss 4.2.3.GA and am trying to call a method when I start JBoss. I created a ServletContextListener like so:
public class TimerContextListener implements ServletContextListener {
private TimerManager timerManager;
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent servletcontextevent) {
((Injector) servletcontextevent.getServletContext().getAttribute(GuiceServletContextListener.KEY)).injectMembers(this);
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent servletcontextevent) {
and I added an entry in web.xml like so:
but contextInitialized() is getting called 3 times when I start my server. Any idea what the issue could be? Thanks.
Ok I figured it out. It was being called 3 times because I had 3 virtual hosts defined in my jboss-web.xml. Not sure why it causes that behavior though. If anyone can explain the reason I would appreciate it.