Netbeans keeps transferring maven repository index, even though I have disabled it

B Faley picture B Faley · Feb 15, 2016 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

Although I have set "Index Update Frequency" to "Never":

enter image description here

Netbeans frequently tries to transfer maven repository index which consumes a lot of my bandwidth:

enter image description here

Is it fine if I check "Completely disable indexing" option? It says that it's not recommended and many features will be limited. What features will be limited exactly?


rjdkolb picture rjdkolb · Feb 28, 2017

What features will be limited exactly?

  • You may not get the latest versions of dependencies when typing control space in the version tag in the pom.xml file.
  • The functionality to "Search dependency at Maven Repositories for .." in the Java editor may not find the dependency you are looking for.

In Netbeans 8.2 I selected "Completely disable indexing" and it's all working for me besides the above.

I can understand why it's NOT recommended, but I keeps on running out of space on my SSD drive. It keeps downloading the index over and over again in a loop...

enter image description here