Listing the files in a directory of the current JAR file

James Van Boxtel picture James Van Boxtel · Dec 6, 2008 · Viewed 11.6k times · Source

I am making a game in JAVA where I want to come up with a list of files in a certain directory in my jar so I can make sure to have a list of those classes to be used in the game.

For example say in my jar I have a directory


I want to get a list of all the .class files in that directory using java code from another class in the jar.

What is the best code to do so?


VonC picture VonC · Dec 6, 2008

Old java1.4 code, but that would give you the idea:

private static List getClassesFromJARFile(String jar, String packageName) throws Error
    final List classes = new ArrayList();
    JarInputStream jarFile = null;
        jarFile = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(jar));
        JarEntry jarEntry;
                jarEntry = jarFile.getNextJarEntry();
            catch(IOException ioe)
                throw new CCException.Error("Unable to get next jar entry from jar file '"+jar+"'", ioe);
            if (jarEntry != null) 
                extractClassFromJar(jar, packageName, classes, jarEntry);
        } while (jarEntry != null);
    catch(IOException ioe)
        throw new CCException.Error("Unable to get Jar input stream from '"+jar+"'", ioe);
   return classes;
private static void extractClassFromJar(final String jar, final String packageName, final List classes, JarEntry jarEntry) throws Error
    String className = jarEntry.getName();
    if (className.endsWith(".class")) 
        className = className.substring(0, className.length() - ".class".length());
        if (className.startsWith(packageName))
                classes.add(Class.forName(className.replace('/', '.')));
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                throw new CCException.Error("unable to find class named " + className.replace('/', '.') + "' within jar '" + jar + "'", cnfe);
private static void closeJarFile(final JarInputStream jarFile)
    if(jarFile != null) 
        catch(IOException ioe)