Coverage view shows 0.0% in Intellij when using Jacoco

robert picture robert · Nov 24, 2015 · Viewed 7.7k times · Source

As discussed in Open JaCoCo report in Intellij IDEA, when I gather code coverage statistics using Jacoco (rather than native IntelliJ tracing) 0.0% (i.e. "no" coverage) is always shown in the coverage window.

This is after I have done the whole "Analyze -> Show coverage data..." and selected my generated "jacoco.exec" file.

The same "jacoco.exec" file works fine with other tools such as the Jacoco native report generation task, and with Sonar, and these produce the expected coverage report content.

Also native IntelliJ instrumentation works fine.

Can anybody advise me if there is some essential step I must perform to get IntelliJ to accept my Jacoco coverage?


Ram picture Ram · Nov 14, 2019

When you add the class to PowerMockito annotation @PrepareForTest for the test classes, the corresponding class will not be showing the code coverage.