How to install Jcalender in Eclipse?

Deepraj Kanulkar picture Deepraj Kanulkar · Nov 23, 2015 · Viewed 11.2k times · Source

I'm looking for the procedure to install Jcalender in Eclipse Mars. I have just started to use Swing and I am facing problem to take date input as it needed Jcalender to be installed on to Eclipse.

By looking at some tutorials I have added Jcalender into the Eclipse designer pallet:

enter image description here

But still I am getting following error for import statement:

enter image description here

A little help would be appreciated..Consider me a newbie.


Petter Friberg picture Petter Friberg · Nov 24, 2015

Download latest release from and extract it.

Put jcalendar-versionx.jar in your class path. If you want to use the JGoodies Look and Feel, put also jgoodies-looks-versionx.jar in your class path.

Both are in the lib directory of the JCalendar distribution.

To add the jar/s (set classpath) in Eclipse:

Right click the

Project > Build Path > Configure build path> Select Libraries tab > Click Add External Libraries >

Select the jar's file you like to add