Throwing exception from lambda

vach picture vach · Jul 26, 2015 · Viewed 9.5k times · Source

Given this java 8 code

public Server send(String message) {
        .forEach(basic -> {
          try {
          } catch (IOException e) {

    return this;

how do we properly make this IOException be delegated up the stack of the method call? (in nutshell how to make this method throw this IOException ?)

Lambdas in java does not look very friendly to error handling...


Marko Topolnik picture Marko Topolnik · Jul 26, 2015

My approach would be to sneakily throw it from the lambda, but take care to have the send method declare it in its throws clause. Using the Exceptional class I posted here:

public Server send(String message) throws IOException {
          .forEach(basic -> Exceptional.from(() -> basic.sendText(message)).get());
  return this;

This way you're effectively making the compiler "look away" for just a bit, disabling its exception checking at one spot in your code, but by declaring the exception on your send method, you restore the regular behavior for all its callers.