How can I handle multiple messages concurrently from a JMS topic (not queue) with java and spring 3.0?

Edgar Styles picture Edgar Styles · Jun 22, 2010 · Viewed 34.3k times · Source

Note that I'd like multiple message listeners to handle successive messages from the topic concurrently. In addition I'd like each message listener to operate transactionally so that a processing failure in a given message listener would result in that listener's message remaining on the topic.

The spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer seems to support concurrency for JMS queues only.

Do I need to instantiate multiple DefaultMessageListenerContainers?

If time flows down the vertical axis:

ListenerA reads msg 1        ListenerB reads msg 2        ListenerC reads msg 3
ListenerA reads msg 4        ListenerB reads msg 5        ListenerC reads msg 6
ListenerA reads msg 7        ListenerB reads msg 8        ListenerC reads msg 9
ListenerA reads msg 10       ListenerB reads msg 11       ListenerC reads msg 12

Thanks for your feedback @T.Rob and @skaffman.

What I ended up doing is creating multiple DefaultMessageListenerContainers with concurrency=1 and then putting logic in the message listener so that only one thread would process a given message id.


skaffman picture skaffman · Jun 22, 2010

You don't want multiple DefaultMessageListenerContainer instances, no, but you do need to configure the DefaultMessageListenerContainer to be concurrent, using the concurrentConsumers property:

Specify the number of concurrent consumers to create. Default is 1.

Specifying a higher value for this setting will increase the standard level of scheduled concurrent consumers at runtime: This is effectively the minimum number of concurrent consumers which will be scheduled at any given time. This is a static setting; for dynamic scaling, consider specifying the "maxConcurrentConsumers" setting instead.

Raising the number of concurrent consumers is recommendable in order to scale the consumption of messages coming in from a queue. However, note that any ordering guarantees are lost once multiple consumers are registered. In general, stick with 1 consumer for low-volume queues.

However, there's big warning at the bottom:

Do not raise the number of concurrent consumers for a topic. This would lead to concurrent consumption of the same message, which is hardly ever desirable.

This is interesting, and makes sense when you think about it. The same would occur if you had multiple DefaultMessageListenerContainer instances.

I think perhaps you need to rethink your design, although I'm not sure what I'd suggest. Concurrent consumption of pub/sub messages seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do, but how to avoid getting the same message delivered to all of your consumers at the same time?