I have a fairly latest version of android studio, I have created a module under a project which is basically supposed to be a library, when I build it, it creates an ".aar" file , what I want is .jar file as this library is supposed to be used with eclipse as well.
The library contains activity as well, is there any way by which I can create a .jar file which I can use on Eclipse as well Android Studio ?
I have already created this module and tried building , as a result it generated .aar file and not a .jar file.
I found a way to achieve this, plain simple, using Gradle 2.2.1:
task jar(type: Jar, dependsOn: 'assembleRelease') {
from fileTree(dir: 'build/intermediates/classes/release')
Place this in your library module.
It will compile it as release and produce a JAR file in: build/libs
bash gradlew jar
or use your IDE to target that jar
Gradle task.