Use an implicit TypeHandler based on resultType for select in MyBatis

Chop picture Chop · May 18, 2015 · Viewed 16.6k times · Source

I am trying to select a timestamp in MyBatis and return it as a LocalDateTime (from joda-time).

My configuration works fine if I try to return the result as a java.sql.Timestamp. I proved my type handler works fine: if I use a wrapping class with a LocalDateTime as only field and a resultMap in the MyBatis mapper file, I get the correct results.

However, when I try specifying the org.joda.time.LocalDateTime as resultType for this select, I always get null, as if the type handler is ignored.

It is my understanding that MyBatis uses a default typeHandler in the case I have resultType="java.sql.Timestamp". As a consequence, I expected it to use one of the typeHandlers I configured when meeting resultType="org.joda.time.LocalDateTime".

Did I miss something? Is there a way to make use of my typeHandler or am I forced to make a wrapper class and resultMap? This is my fallback-to solution but I would like to avoid it if possible.

Any help appreciated. Thank you.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE configuration PUBLIC "-// Config 3.0//EN" "">
        <typeHandler javaType="org.joda.time.LocalDate" jdbcType="DATE" handler="...LocalDateTypeHandler"/>
        <typeHandler javaType="org.joda.time.LocalDateTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" handler="...LocalDateTimeTypeHandler"/>

import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime;

public interface NotifMailDao {

    LocalDateTime getLastNotifTime(String userId);


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
<mapper namespace="lu.bgl.notif.mail.dao.NotifMailDao">

    <select id="getLastNotifTime" resultType="org.joda.time.LocalDateTime">
        SELECT current_timestamp
        AS last_time
        FROM DUAL


Chop picture Chop · Jun 2, 2015

To use the TypeHandler configuration, MyBatis needs to know both the Java type of the resulting object and the SQL type of the source column.

Here we use a resultType in the <select /> so MyBatis knows the Java type, but it cannot know the SQL type if we do not set it. The only way is to use a <resultMap />.

The solution

You need to create a Bean with a single field containing the object you want to return (let us call this field time) and use a <resultMap />:

<select id="getLastNotifTime" resultMap="notifMailResultMap">

<resultMap id="mapLastTime" type="MyWrapperBean">
    <result property="time" column="my_sql_timestamp" javaType="org.joda.time.LocalDateTime"
        jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />

If you wish to spare the creation of dedicated bean, you can also use the attribute type=hashmap on your <resultMap /> as suggested by Shobit.

Variant: set the property on the LocalDateTime

A solution has been proposed on Google Groups, which sets directly the information on the LocalDateTime.

My understanding of it (please comment if I am wrong) is that it sets a property of the LocalDateTime. I will not vouch for it as I do not find the corresponding in the API doc (and I have not tested it) but feel free to use it if you deem it better.

<resultMap id="mapLastTime" type="org.joda.time.LocalDateTime">
    <result property="lastTime" column="my_sql_timestamp" javaType="org.joda.time.LocalDateTime"
        jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />

Why it works with java.sql.Timestamp

Timestamp is a standard Java type for SQL, with a default JDBC implementation (ResultSet.getTimestamp(int/String)). The default handler for MyBatis uses this getter1 and therefore does not need any TypeHandler mapping. I expect this occurs every time you use one of the default handlers.

1: This is a hunch. Citation required!

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