I'm trying to query a Cassandra table using the IN clause and the @Query annotation from Spring Data. I have a table with a partition key of last_name and a clustering key of first_name.
I have this query working
@Query("SELECT * FROM people WHERE last_name=?0")
public List<People> findByLastName(String lastName);
and I would like to do something like
@Query("SELECT * FROM people WHERE last_name=?0 AND first_name IN ?1")
public List<People> findByLastName(String lastName, String[] firstName);
I have it working using
CassandraOperations.select("SELECT * FROM people WHERE last_name=" + lastName +
" AND first_name IN (" + concatinatedNameList + ")", People.class);
But for a number of reasons (code style, testing, I swear there are more) I would prefer to use @Query. Any ideas?
Passing in an array, set, or list returns Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: encountered unsupported query parameter type [class [Ljava.lang.String;] in method public abstract
Also tried:
String firstName = "Joe,Jim";
@Query("SELECT * FROM people WHERE last_name=?0 AND first_name IN (?1)")
public List<People> findByLastName(String lastName, String firstName);
Nothing found, library searches for a single person with a concatinated name ('Joe,Jim')
String firstName = "'Joe','Jim'";
@Query("SELECT * FROM people WHERE last_name=?0 AND first_name IN (?1)")
public List<People> findByLastName(String lastName, String firstName);
Nothing found, the request is escaped and ends up ('''Joe'',''Jim''')
String firstName = "Joe','Jim"; // Hoping the library would just add the outer quotes, getting desperate
@Query("SELECT * FROM people WHERE last_name=?0 AND first_name IN (?1)")
public List<People> findByLastName(String lastName, String firstName);
Nothing found, the request is escaped and ends up ('Joe'',''Jim')
With current spring, it seems to be working without braces.
Old answer
You have to use bracers when you are using IN
@Query("SELECT * FROM people WHERE last_name=?0 AND first_name IN (?1)")
public List<People> findByLastName(String lastName, String[] firstName);
But there are some other issues in your code. I changed them all to a good coding standards as below. Including my personal favorite of using named parameters.
@Query("SELECT p FROM People p WHERE p.lastName = :lastName AND p.firstName IN (:firstNames)")
public List<People> findByName(@Param("lastName") String lastName, @Param("firstNames") String[] firstNames);