tools.jar seems to be not in Android Studio classpath on Windows 8

Frank Martin picture Frank Martin · Dec 17, 2014 · Viewed 87.9k times · Source

I installed Android Studio but it was giving me error that I need to install JDK but JDK was already installed. Then I realized it is asking to install 64bit version of JDK.

Anyway I just downloaded latest JDK 64bit version and set the following in Environment Variable but still Android Studio is giving error:


'tools.jar' seems to be not in Android Studio classpath.  
Please ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE.

Following paths are set in my Windows 8.

Path in User Variables  
E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin

JAVA_HOME in System Variables  
E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25

Path in System Variables  
E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin

32bit JDK is installed on C drive while 64bit JDK is installed on E drive (as shown above). 32 bit JDK is not being used in any User or System Variables.

I have also restarted the PC.

How do I fix this issue?


John Blackberry picture John Blackberry · Feb 25, 2015

I had this same problem and was able to fix it after wasting about 3 hours:

Just copy tools.jar from %JAVA_HOME%\lib to (Android Studio Root)\lib