java.lang.IllegalStateException: GoogleApiClient is not connected yet

Fabio Phillip Rocha Marques picture Fabio Phillip Rocha Marques · Dec 8, 2014 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

I'm trying to add achievements to my game by using google play game services. The activity in my game that is responsible for giving the achievement already extends BaseGameActivity and it calls the beginUserInitiatedSignIn when it has to give the achievement, so the user must be signing in, but at the time I unlock the achievement for the user, I keep getting "java.lang.IllegalStateException: GoogleApiClient is not connected yet". Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Here's the code responsible for unlocking the achievement(it's in the class that extends BaseGameActivity, from BaseGameUtils):

private void darConquistaDerrubouArvore(int numeroDeAcertos) {
     // start the asynchronous sign in flow
    mSignInClicked = true;
    if(numeroDeAcertos <= 40)
                Games.Achievements.unlock(gameHelper.getApiClient(), "CgkIs_27xcoSEAIQAQ");
                Log.i("TelaModoCasual", "usuário não está logado");

        catch(Exception exc)



Clayton Wilkinson picture Clayton Wilkinson · Dec 19, 2014

Take a look at the basic sample The connection flow for the Google APIs is asynchronous, so you can't unlock the achievement as you have it. There is a callback onConnected() which is called once the connection is established. In that method you can unlock the achievements.

The documentation for the api client is at