stop IntelliJ IDEA to switch java language level every time the pom is reloaded (or change the default project language level)

Quentin picture Quentin · Nov 20, 2014 · Viewed 59k times · Source

Using IntelliJ 12, I have a java project and I use maven with a pom.xml. My project is using java8, but it seems the default project language level has been set to 6 while importing the project.

I can change the language level to 8.0 (F4 -> Modules -> Language level) however every time I edit my pom.xml the project level is switched back to "use project language level", and I have to edit this settings again and again.

Is there something I need to add to the pom.xml to set the default language level to 8.0?


vikingsteve picture vikingsteve · Nov 20, 2014

As per Mark's comment, here is how to do it:
