I'm new to Cucumber java and had this problem in initial stages: I'm not using MAVEN project for some reason. I just created a simple java project in eclipse.
I have my features under "src/dummy/pkg/features", and my implementation "StepDef.java" is under "src/dummy/pkg/features/implementation"
I have written step definitions for Given, When, and Then, but when I run my features file, it is unable to recognize the implementation. How do I link the features with step definitions?
create a class YourClass
and it would look something like the below and run it as JUnit test.
@CucumberOptions( monochrome = true,
features = "src/dummy/pkg/features/",
format = { "pretty","html: cucumber-html-reports",
"json: cucumber-html-reports/cucumber.json" },
glue = "your_step_definition_location_package" )
public class YourClass {
//Run this from Maven or as JUnit