TTransportException Exception while working with Apache Thrift

Bilal Ahmad Yaseen picture Bilal Ahmad Yaseen · Sep 9, 2014 · Viewed 9.7k times · Source

I am working with apache Thrift. I am getting TTransportException exception while everthing looks fine with my code. Here is my Thrift Server Code:

private TNonblockingServerSocket socket;
 * @breif Store processor instance.
private PringService.Processor processor;
 * Store server instance.
private TServer tServer;
 * @breif A handle to the unique Singleton instance.
static private ThriftServer _instance = null;

 * @breif The unique instance of this class.
 * @throws TTransportException
static public ThriftServer getInstance() throws TTransportException {
    if (null == _instance) {
        _instance = new ThriftServer();
    return _instance;

 * @breif A Ctor for ThriftServer. Initialize all members.
 * @throws TTransportException
private ThriftServer() throws TTransportException {
    socket = new TNonblockingServerSocket(Config.THRIFT_PORT);
    processor = new PringService.Processor(new Handler());
    THsHaServer.Args args = new THsHaServer.Args(socket);
    args.transportFactory(new TFramedTransport.Factory());
    args.inputProtocolFactory(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory());
    args.outputProtocolFactory(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory());
    tServer = new THsHaServer(args);
    /*tServer = new THsHaServer(processor, socket,
     new TFramedTransport.Factory(),
     new TFramedTransport.Factory(),
     new TBinaryProtocol.Factory(),
     new TBinaryProtocol.Factory());*/

 * @breif main method
 * @param args the command line arguments
 * @throws TTransportException
public static void main(String[] args) throws TTransportException {
    // To Run it directly from PringCore.jar, else use SmsProcessor Helper functionality
    ThriftServer server = new ThriftServer();

 * @breif Starts the execution.
protected void execute(String[] args) {
    if (db != null) {

private static class Handler implements PringService.Iface { ...... } }

And This is my thrift client:

    TTransport transport;
  try {
     transport = new TSocket("localhost", Config.THRIFT_PORT);    ;

     TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
     PringService.Client client = new PringService.Client(protocol);

     String result = client.importPringer(2558456, true);

    System.out.println("Result String is ::"+result);
  } catch (TTransportException e) {
  } catch (TException e) {

When I run my Thrift server and then run thrift client, I get the following exception:

at org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport.readAll(
at org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol.readAll(
at org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol.readI32(
at org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol.readMessageBegin(
at org.apache.thrift.TServiceClient.receiveBase(

Am I using mis-matching transport sockt/layer on my thrift server or client ? Or there is something other wrong?

Thanks in Advance for your guidance :)


amgaera picture amgaera · Sep 9, 2014

When you use TNonblockingServerSocket, you need to use TFramedTransport both server- and client-side. The documentation of TNonblockingServerSocket is quite explicit about that:

To use this server, you MUST use a TFramedTransport at the outermost transport, otherwise this server will be unable to determine when a whole method call has been read off the wire. Clients must also use TFramedTransport.

Your client should therefore look like this:

TTransport transport;

try {
    transport = new TSocket("localhost", Config.THRIFT_PORT);   ;

    TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(new TFramedTransport(transport));
    PringService.Client client = new PringService.Client(protocol);

    String result = client.importPringer(2558456, true);

    System.out.println("Result String is ::"+result);
} catch (TTransportException e) {
} catch (TException e) {