How to enable commit on focusLost for TableView/TreeTableView?

crusam picture crusam · Jul 11, 2014 · Viewed 8.9k times · Source

Is there any simple approach to let the TreeTableView (or TableView) try to commit values on focus lost?

Unfortunatly I didn't succed with any default-implementations of javafx TableCellFactories, which is why I tried my own TreeTableCell implementations and also some different tableCell implementations like the one from Graham Smith, which seemed the most straight forward, since it already implemented a hook for focus lost, but nevertheless the value is never committed and the userchanges are resetted to the original value.

My guess is, whenever focus is lost, the editingProperty of the affected Cell is always already false which causes the Cell never to commit a value on focusLost. Here the relevant part from the original (oracle-)TreeTableCell Implementation (8u20ea), which causes my approaches to fail:

 @Override public void commitEdit(T newValue) {
        if (! isEditing()) return; // <-- here my approaches are blocked, because on focus lost its not editing anymore.

        final TreeTableView<S> table = getTreeTableView();
        if (table != null) {
            TreeTablePosition<S,T> editingCell = (TreeTablePosition<S,T>) table.getEditingCell();

            // Inform the TableView of the edit being ready to be committed.
            CellEditEvent<S,T> editEvent = new CellEditEvent<S,T>(

            Event.fireEvent(getTableColumn(), editEvent);

        // inform parent classes of the commit, so that they can switch us
        // out of the editing state.
        // This MUST come before the updateItem call below, otherwise it will
        // call cancelEdit(), resulting in both commit and cancel events being
        // fired (as identified in RT-29650)

        // update the item within this cell, so that it represents the new value
        updateItem(newValue, false);

        if (table != null) {
            // reset the editing cell on the TableView
            table.edit(-1, null);

            // request focus back onto the table, only if the current focus
            // owner has the table as a parent (otherwise the user might have
            // clicked out of the table entirely and given focus to something else.
            // It would be rude of us to request it back again.

I succeded with overriding this method and commiting the value "by hand" before the original commitEdit() method is called, but this causes the commit on keys like enter to commit the value twice (on key + on focus lost). Moreover I dont really like my approach at all, so I wonder, if anyone else has solved this in a "nicer" way?


kleopatra picture kleopatra · Aug 13, 2014

After some digging, turned out that the culprit (aka: the collaborator that cancels the edit before the textField looses focus) is the TableCellBehaviour/Base in its processing of a mousePressed:

  • mousePressed calls simpleSelect(..)
  • on detecting a single click it calls edit(-1, null)
  • which calls the same method on TableView
  • which sets its editingCell property to null
  • a tableCell listens to that property and reacts by canceling its own edit

Unfortunately, a hackaround requires 3 collaborators

  • a TableView with additional api to terminate an edit
  • a TableCellBehaviour with overridden simpleSelect(...) that calls the additional api (instead of edit(-1..)) before calling super
  • a TableCell that is configured with the extended behaviour and is aware of table's extended properties

Some code snippets (full code) :

// on XTableView:
public void terminateEdit() {
    if (!isEditing()) return;
    // terminatingCell is a property that supporting TableCells can listen to
    if (isEditing()) throw new IllegalStateException(
          "expected editing to be terminated but was " + getEditingCell());

// on XTableCellBehaviour: override simpleSelect
protected void simpleSelect(MouseEvent e) {
    TableCell<S, T> cell = getControl();
    TableView<S> table = cell.getTableColumn().getTableView();
    if (table instanceof XTableView) {
        ((XTableView<S>) table).terminateEdit();

// on XTextFieldTableCell - this method is called from listener
// to table's terminatingCell property
protected void terminateEdit(TablePosition<S, ?> newPosition) {
    if (!isEditing() || !match(newPosition)) return;

protected void commitEdit() {
    T edited = getConverter().fromString(myTextField.getText());

 * Implemented to create XTableCellSkin which supports terminating edits.
protected Skin<?> createDefaultSkin() {
    return new XTableCellSkin<S, T>(this);

Note: the implementation of TableCellBehaviour changed massively between jdk8u5 and jdk8u20 (joys of hacking - not fit for production use ;-) - the method to override in the latter is handleClicks(..)

BTW: massive votingfor JDK-8089514 (was RT-18492 in old jira) might speed up a core fix. Unfortunately, at least the author role is needed to vote/comment bugs in the new tracker.