I have recently installed sqldeveloper but i'm getting the below warning window when I try to launch it. This is causing the sqldeveloper to run very very slow and it hangs frequently
I have tried editing the file sqldeveloper.cong as suggested in the window above but does not work
SetJavaHome ../../jdk
Update 1
SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_60\bin\ and all other variations but still getting the above warning window
Update 2 SetJavaHome C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin and all other variations
Please suggest the correct way
The message seems to be out of date. In version 4 that setting exists in two files, and you need to change it in the other one, which is:
Which you might need to expand to your actual APPDATA
, which will be something like C:\Users\cprasad\AppData\Roaming
. In that file you will see the SetJavaHome
is currently going to be set to the path to your Java 1.8 location, so change that as you did in the sqldeveloper.conf
SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_60\bin\
If the settig is blank (in both files, I think) then it should prompt you to pick the JDK location when you launch it, if you prefer.