How can I use a regex to replace upper case with lower case in Intellij IDEA?

Daniel Kaplan picture Daniel Kaplan · Jun 10, 2014 · Viewed 24.8k times · Source

I've googled for this and found out how to do with with other regex parsers:

I've tried these and neither work. As an example, I want to use a regex to change this:

private String Name;
private Integer Bar = 2;

To this:

private String name;
private Integer bar = 2;

I tried something like this:

replace: private (\S+) (\S+)
with: private $1 $L$2
with: private $1 \L$2
with: <etc.>

None of them work. Is it possible to do this in intellij, or is this a missing feature? This is just for educational purposes and the example is contrived. I just want to know if this is possible to do in intellij.


desseim picture desseim · Aug 21, 2015

In IDEA 15 you're able to use the below switches to toggle the case of captured expressions. This is now officially documented since this version was released.

  • \l: lower the case of the one next character
  • \u: up the case of the one next character
  • \L: lower the case of the next characters until a \E or the end of the replacement string
  • \U: up the case of the next characters until a \E or the end of the replacement string
  • \E: mark the end of a case change initiated by \U or \L

Here is an example usage (as the documentation is not clear):

find: (\w+_)+(\w+) replace: \L$1$2\E

The above will convert FOO_BAR_BAZ to foo_bar_baz etc The $1 refers to the first found capture group (in parenthesis), $2 to the second set, etc.

For posterity's sake: this was initially reported by @gaoagong and documented there.