How can I run a piece of code (or more exactly: close the stage) when the JavaFX stage lost it's focus?
For example in Dropbox or Chrome: if you click the tray icon, a small window opens. If you click anywhere on the screen now, the window closes. Exactly this is the behaviour I want to create in my JavaFX application.
I searched a long time already for a solution, but couldn't find one...
So, I'm looking for something something like this:
stage.addEventHandler(EventType.FOCUS_LOST, new EventHandler() { /*...*/ } );
Thank you for helping me out!
Add a listener to stage.focusedProperty()
primaryStage.focusedProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>()
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> ov, Boolean onHidden, Boolean onShown)
<Your code here>