Using Regular Expressions to Extract a Value in Java

Craig Walker picture Craig Walker · Oct 25, 2008 · Viewed 310.2k times · Source

I have several strings in the rough form:

[some text] [some number] [some more text]

I want to extract the text in [some number] using the Java Regex classes.

I know roughly what regular expression I want to use (though all suggestions are welcome). What I'm really interested in are the Java calls to take the regex string and use it on the source data to produce the value of [some number].

EDIT: I should add that I'm only interested in a single [some number] (basically, the first instance). The source strings are short and I'm not going to be looking for multiple occurrences of [some number].


Allain Lalonde picture Allain Lalonde · Oct 25, 2008

Full example:

private static final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)(.*)");
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // create matcher for pattern p and given string
    Matcher m = p.matcher("Testing123Testing");

    // if an occurrence if a pattern was found in a given string...
    if (m.find()) {
        // ...then you can use group() methods.
        System.out.println(; // whole matched expression
        System.out.println(; // first expression from round brackets (Testing)
        System.out.println(; // second one (123)
        System.out.println(; // third one (Testing)

Since you're looking for the first number, you can use such regexp:


and will return you the first number. Note that signed numbers can contain a minus sign:
