Closures in Java 7

Schildmeijer picture Schildmeijer · Oct 24, 2008 · Viewed 22.4k times · Source

I have heard that closures could be introduced in the next Java standard that is scheduled to be released somewhere around next summer.

What would this syntax look like?

I read somewhere that introducing closures in java is a bigger change than generic was in java 5. Is this true? pros and cons?

(By now we definitely know that closures not will be included in the next Java release)


edit: :D

edit2: Re-thinking JDK7:

edit3: There’s not a moment to lose!:


Steven Huwig picture Steven Huwig · Oct 24, 2008

Have a look at .

It seems like this is how it would look:

boolean even = { int x => x % 2 == 0 }.invoke(15);

where the { int x => x % 2 == 0 } bit is the closure.