I want to upload a WAR file to my Openshift account , but it forces me to use GIT ot GITHUB (here). Please forgive me for saying this , but this is very very annoying .
Is there any way upload a WAR file straight to my application without using some third party ?
My application (in the Openshift) consists of : Tomcat 7 (JBoss EWS 2.0), MySQL 5.5 .
Much appreciated
Please follow the instructions in the following link
More details :
You can use like this :
Hit git
and log into the git bash , and then do this:
scp <your local file name> <your hash number>@<your app name>-<your domain name>.rhcloud.com:~/<app name>/data/
scp hello.csv [email protected]:~/cdapp/data/
External Sources : from here