Run all tests in Junit 4

alexloh picture alexloh · Feb 12, 2010 · Viewed 39.3k times · Source

I want to be able to run all tests in a project programmatically. I know Eclipse has a "Run as JUnit test" configuration which somehow grabs all the tests in a project and run them. Is there any way for me to also grab the list of tests programmatically and run them? Or is there some good way to construct a test suite containing all the test cases without manually listing out every one (all 700+) of them?

I've tried the "New... -> Test Suite" option in Eclipse, but that seems to work only for JUnit 3, identifying tests by their extending from TestCase

The test classes are JUnit 4, so their only distinguishing characteristic is the annotation, no naming convention, no subclassing from TestCase.

Thanks in advance!


Fabian Steeg picture Fabian Steeg · Feb 12, 2010

Though it does not really solve your immediate problem, I find it a very useful general practice to create suites and suites of suites, e.g. for a package something like PackageFooSuite etc. and assemble these suites in one or more suites again, like ModuleFooSuite and have one top-level suite, like AllTestsSuite. That way it's easy to run both all tests in one step as well as submodule tests for the package I'm currently working on (and have the tests run quicker than if I would always run all of them):

@Suite.SuiteClasses({ PackageFooSuite.class, PackageBarSuite.class} )
public final class AllTestsSuite {} // or ModuleFooSuite, and that in AllTests