Null check in an enhanced for loop

fastcodejava picture fastcodejava · Feb 12, 2010 · Viewed 170.4k times · Source

What is the best way to guard against null in a for loop in Java?

This seems ugly :

if (someList != null) {
    for (Object object : someList) {
        // do whatever


if (someList == null) {
    return; // Or throw ex
for (Object object : someList) {
    // do whatever

There might not be any other way. Should they have put it in the for construct itself, if it is null then don't run the loop?


OscarRyz picture OscarRyz · Feb 12, 2010

You should better verify where you get that list from.

An empty list is all you need, because an empty list won't fail.

If you get this list from somewhere else and don't know if it is ok or not you could create a utility method and use it like this:

for( Object o : safe( list ) ) {
   // do whatever 

And of course safe would be:

public static List safe( List other ) {
    return other == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : other;