I'm attempting to create an instance in another region, but I get this error:
AWS Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination, AWS Error Message: VPC security groups may not be used for a non-VPC launch
Here is the code I'm executing.
RunInstancesRequest instancereq = new RunInstancesRequest();
ArrayList<String> secgroup = new ArrayList<String>();
RunInstancesResult instanceresult = ec2.runInstances(instancereq);
I've also tried, instead of using the name "testdefault", using the actual groupid (sg-########)
, but I'll get an error saying that security group doesn't exist (which is wrong, it does). Which, based on the API doc, if using a non-default VPC, you should pass the actual groupid but I'll get an error like this:
InvalidGroup.NotFound, AWS Error Message: The security group 'sg-########' does not exist
If I use "default" as the setSecurityGroups
it will use the default VPC. It just doesn't seem like like the groupid I'm passing, despite it being accurate.
Also, if I comment out the setSecurityGroups
code, and use setSubnetId
instead and pass the subnet id, it will create the instance just fine, but it goes into the "default" security group, not "testdefault" like I want.
All I'm trying to accomplish is creating an instance and having it use the already existing VPC group.
My Answer will focus on below statement:
All I'm trying to accomplish is creating an instance and having it use the already existing VPC group.
So, as I understand, you want to launch an instance in a non-default VPC and assign it an existing VPC security group to it.
I am not a java
guy, but I could do what you wanted in ruby
as below.
require 'aws-sdk-core'
Aws.config = {
:access_key_id => "my_access_key",
:secret_access_key => "my_secret_key",
:region => 'us-west-2'
ec2 = Aws::EC2.new
min_count: 1,
max_count: 1,
image_id: 'ami-8635a9b6',
instance_type: 't1.micro',
placement: {
availability_zone: 'us-west-2a'
network_interfaces: [
subnet_id: 'subnet-e881bd63',
groups: ['sg-fd53bf5e'],
device_index: 0,
associate_public_ip_address: true
key_name: 'my-key'
).each do |resp|
resp.instances.each do |x|
puts x.instance_id
Although this is a Ruby
code, it is pretty straight forward and should give you some clear hints on how to go about doing it in Java
as all these AWS SDKs are polling the same web service APIs.
I guess, the things that you should be concentrating in above code is:
:region => 'us-west-2'
placement: {
availability_zone: 'us-west-2a'
network_interfaces: [
subnet_id: 'subnet-e881bd63',
groups: ['sg-fd53bf5e'],
device_index: 0,
associate_public_ip_address: true
of my VPC and will apply VPC security group ID sg-fd53bf5e
to its 0
th network interface. Besides, it will also assign a public IP address to my instance. (by default, it will not assign a public IP address when you launch instances in VPC).