I'm putting the data into database with simpleJdbcTemplate.
simpleJdbcTemplate.update("insert into TABLE values(default)");
I dont want to put any data because i dont need it for my unit test purpose.
How can i get the id from the inserted row? I can retriev the current sequence value but if somebody else will do a insert then i will be get a next sequence value.
Is there any way to use simpleJdbcTemplate to insert a row and get id? The update method retuns the number of inserted rows and i would like to have the id. Thank you for your help.
Did you find the answer yet? If not, try to use SimpleJdbcInsert
For example:
SimpleJdbcInsert sji = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource)
.usingColumns(new String[]{your columns})
.usingGeneratedKeyColumns(you auto-increment id colums);
then retrieve