Get empty string when null

Spring picture Spring · Feb 21, 2014 · Viewed 87.4k times · Source

I want to get string values of my fields (they can be type of long string or any object),

if a field is null then it should return empty string, I did this with guava;


But this returns null if gearbox is null! Not empty string because valueOf methdod returns string "null" which leads to errors.

Any Ideas?

EDIt: there are 100s fields I look for something easy to implement


arshajii picture arshajii · Feb 21, 2014

You can use Objects.toString() (standard in Java 7):

Objects.toString(gearBox, "")

Objects.toString(id, "")

From the linked documentation:

public static String toString(Object o, String nullDefault)

Returns the result of calling toString on the first argument if the first argument is not null and returns the second argument otherwise.

o - an object
nullDefault - string to return if the first argument is null

the result of calling toString on the first argument if it is not null and the second argument otherwise.

See Also: