How to print from web application to receipt printer?

nightingale2k1 picture nightingale2k1 · Feb 3, 2010 · Viewed 23.8k times · Source

I was asked by my client to print receipts on an Epson TM U220 ( from my web application. I have no idea how to do that. Are there any java applets or something else that I can use for printing? Should i use JasperReports? (Does JasperReports help to cope with this problem?) If there are flash apps that could be used, I have no objection to using that.

I am using Grails for my web apps.


Cesar picture Cesar · Feb 3, 2010

You don't need an applet, from a grails controller you may use any Java library. Use the Java printing services available to the runtime in javax.print. This is assuming that the printer is installed where the grails runtime is running.