I need to send multiple requests to many different web services and receive the results. The problem is that, if I send the requests one by one it takes so long as I need to send and process all individually.
I am wondering how I can send all the requests at once and receive the results.
As the following code shows, I have three major methods and each has its own sub methods. Each sub method sends request to its associated web service and receive the results;therefore, for example, to receive the results of web service 9 I have to wait till all web services from 1 to 8 get completed, it takes a long time to send all the requests one by one and receive their results.
As shown below none of the methods nor sub-methods are related to each other, so I can call them all and receive their results in any order, the only thing which is important is to receive the results of each sub-method and populate their associated lists.
private List<StudentsResults> studentsResults = new ArrayList();
private List<DoctorsResults> doctorsResults = new ArrayList();
private List<PatientsResults> patientsResults = new ArrayList();
main (){
this.studentsResults = retrieveStdWS1(); //send request to Web Service 1 to receive its list of students
this.studentsResults = retrieveStdWS2(); //send request to Web Service 2 to receive its list of students
this.studentsResults = retrieveStdWS3(); //send request to Web Service 3 to receive its list of students
this.doctorsResults = retrieveDocWS4(); //send request to Web Service 4 to receive its list of doctors
this.doctorsResults = retrieveDocWS5(); //send request to Web Service 5 to receive its list of doctors
this.doctorsResults = retrieveDocWS6(); //send request to Web Service 6 to receive its list of doctors
this.patientsResults = retrievePtWS7(); //send request to Web Service 7 to receive its list of patients
this.patientsResults = retrievePtWS8(); //send request to Web Service 8 to receive its list of patients
this.patientsResults = retrievePtWS9(); //send request to Web Service 9 to receive its list of patients
That is a simple fork-join approach, but for clarity, you can start any number of threads and retrieve the results later as they are available, such as this approach.
ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
List<Callable<String>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
tasks.add(new Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws Exception {
Thread.sleep((new Random().nextInt(5000)) + 500);
return "Hello world";
List<Future<String>> results = pool.invokeAll(tasks);
for (Future<String> future : results) {
Here's a verbose, but workable solution. I wrote it ad hoc, and have not compiled it. Given the three lists have diffent types, and the WS methods are individual, it is not really modular, but try to use your best programming skills and see if you can modularize it a bit better.
ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
List<Callable<List<StudentsResults>>> stasks = new ArrayList<>();
List<Callable<List<DoctorsResults>>> dtasks = new ArrayList<>();
List<Callable<List<PatientsResults>>> ptasks = new ArrayList<>();
stasks.add(new Callable<List<StudentsResults>>() {
public List<StudentsResults> call() throws Exception {
return retrieveStdWS1();
stasks.add(new Callable<List<StudentsResults>>() {
public List<StudentsResults> call() throws Exception {
return retrieveStdWS2();
stasks.add(new Callable<List<StudentsResults>>() {
public List<StudentsResults> call() throws Exception {
return retrieveStdWS3();
dtasks.add(new Callable<List<DoctorsResults>>() {
public List<DoctorsResults> call() throws Exception {
return retrieveDocWS4();
dtasks.add(new Callable<List<DoctorsResults>>() {
public List<DoctorsResults> call() throws Exception {
return retrieveDocWS5();
dtasks.add(new Callable<List<DoctorsResults>>() {
public List<DoctorsResults> call() throws Exception {
return retrieveDocWS6();
ptasks.add(new Callable<List<PatientsResults>>() {
public List<PatientsResults> call() throws Exception {
return retrievePtWS7();
ptasks.add(new Callable<List<PatientsResults>>() {
public List<PatientsResults> call() throws Exception {
return retrievePtWS8();
ptasks.add(new Callable<List<PatientsResults>>() {
public List<PatientsResults> call() throws Exception {
return retrievePtWS9();
List<Future<List<StudentsResults>>> sresults = pool.invokeAll(stasks);
List<Future<List<DoctorsResults>>> dresults = pool.invokeAll(dtasks);
List<Future<List<PatientsResults>>> presults = pool.invokeAll(ptasks);
for (Future<List<StudentsResults>> future : sresults) {
for (Future<List<DoctorsResults>> future : dresults) {
for (Future<List<PatientsResults>> future : presults) {
Each Callable
returns a list of results, and is called in its own separate thread.
When you invoke the Future.get()
method you get the result back onto the main thread.
The result is NOT available until the Callable
have finished, hence there is no concurrency issues.