Threads: Busy Waiting - Empty While-Loop

Kaibear picture Kaibear · Jan 23, 2014 · Viewed 11.3k times · Source

During our lessons in the university, we learned about Threads and used the "Busy Waiting" method for an example of a Car waiting at a TrafficLight. For this task we build three classes:

  • TrafficLight (implements Runnable)
  • Car (implements Runnable)
  • Main

In our Main class we start two Threads, one of Car, and one of TrafficLight. The Car has the boolean attribute hasToWait. The run() method in this class works the way, that it works through a while loop as long as hasToWait == true. To change this, we have the notifyCar() method in the Car class, which is used by the TrafficLight. The run() method in TrafficLight runs through a Thread.sleep() to simulate a certain time of waiting.

Everything works fine at my Prof's but eventually I have serious problems with it. As long as the while loop in the Car class is empty. When I put in a System.out.println() - which is not empty, it works. But if the Syso is empty, the result is no displaying of the Text of the Run method. Also it's working when the Thread.sleep() in TrafficLight is 0. Than it works with an empty while loop.

Here is my code:

package trafficlight;

public class Car implements Runnable {

    private boolean hasToWait = true;

    public void run() {

    public void crossTrafficLight() {
        while(hasToWait){ for(int i = 0; i<20; i++){System.out.println("123");}} // Busy waiting
        System.out.println("Auto fährt über Ampel");

    public void notifyCar() {
        this.hasToWait = false;

package trafficlight;

public class TrafficLight implements Runnable {
    private Car car;

    public TrafficLight(Car car) { = car;

    public void run() {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

package trafficlight;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args){
        Car car = new Car();
        TrafficLight tl = new TrafficLight(car);

        new Thread(car).start();
        new Thread(tl).start();


Where is the problem? Why does it work at my profs but not at my computer? I got the code 1:1 in my Eclipse Juno, using JRE 1.7


Marko Topolnik picture Marko Topolnik · Jan 23, 2014

In addition to everything said in this other answer (just substitute your hasToWait for finished in that answer), the reason why the code starts working when you add a println is as follows:

  • println is a synchronized method;
  • you call it in both threads;
  • this creates a happens-before relationship between the two threads;
  • therefore the write to the boolean flag becomes visible to the child thread.

You could say that it starts working mostly by accident: you are piggybacking on the synchronization going on in println.